Like a geographical map, a brain template provides a standard reference coordinate system for brain structure analysis. NeuroImaging and NeuroSpectroscopy Laboratory at National Brain Research Centre (NBRC) have constructed the first high resolution Indian population specific brain template, “BRAHMA”.
A dataset of high-resolution 3D T1, T2, and FLAIR images acquired from a group of 113 volunteers (M/F - 56/57, mean age 28.96 ± 7.80 years) are used to construct T1, T2, and FLAIR templates, collectively referred to as “BRAHMA”. A processing pipeline is developed and implemented in a MATLAB based toolbox for template construction and generation of tissue probability maps and segmentation atlases, with additional labels for deep brain regions such as the Substantia Nigra generated from the T2 and FLAIR templates. The use of BRAHMA template for analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data from Indian participants provides improved accuracy with statistically significant results over that obtained using the ICBM-152 (International Consortium for Brain Mapping) template.
The availability of different image contrasts, tissue maps, and segmentation atlases make the BRAHMA template a comprehensive tool for multimodal image analysis in laboratory and clinical settings.


Image 1: An overview of adult brain templates available for use from differentneuroimaging studies. The horizontal dotted lines drawn to the ICBM-152 template indicate the variation in height and length of the templates

Image 2: A comparison of global brain features of the BRAHMA template with existing templates (MNI-305, ICBM-152, ICBM-452, CBA-56, and SCBT-2020)

Image 3: The T1, T2, and FLAIR brain templates constructed for the Indian population from 113 individual scans. The axial slice (80 of 160), coronal slice (120 of 240), and sagittal slice (125 of 240) of the template images are shown

Image 4: A representation of comparative analysis of fMRI activations for the Sternberg Working Memory and Finger Tapping paradigms obtained with SPM12 using ICBM-152 and BRAHMA templates. The activation maps for the group-level analysis on the subjects are shown overlaid on T1-weighted images normalized using the respective templates.


These are some of the primary prerequisites that are needed to run BRAHMA toolbox smoothly.

Ubuntu 16.04 and above

Matlab or Matlab Runtime Environment

Apart from these we require a few more toolboxes for operating the BRAHMA toolbox.









Now it should work perfectly !


Pai, P.P., Mandal, P.K., Punjabi, K., Shukla, D., Goel, A., Joon, S., Roy, S., Sandal, K., Mishra, R. and Lahoti, R., 2020. "BRAHMA: Population specific T1, T2, and FLAIR weighted brain templates and their impact in structural and functional imaging studies." Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Volume 70(2020):5-12.


Pai, P.P., Mandal, P.K., Punjabi, K., Shukla, D., Goel, A., Joon, S., Roy, S., Sandal, K., Mishra, R. and Lahoti, R., 2020. "BRAHMA: Population specific T1, T2, and FLAIR weighted brain templates and their impact in structural and functional imaging studies." Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Volume 70(2020):5-12.

Mandal, P.K., Mahajan, R., and Dinov, I.D., 2012. "Structural brain atlases: design, rationale, and applications in normal and pathological cohorts."Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 31(s3), pp.S169-S188.


To download the BRAHMA toolbox please drop us a message along with the name of your organization on the Email ID mentioned below and we will send over a copy to you. To download the BRAHMA template from NeuroVault repository click the icon below.

EMAIL ID: pravat[dot]mandal[at]gmail[dot]com


We made it happen........

Dr. Pravat K Mandal

Principal Investigator, NINS Lab, NBRC, India

Dr. Praful.P Pai

Research Scientist, NINS Lab, NBRC, India

Khushboo Punjabi

Research Scholar, NINS Lab,
NBRC, India

Dr. Deepika Shukla

Scientist, NINS Lab,
NBRC, India

Anshika Goel

Senior R & D Engineer, NINS Lab,
NBRC, India

Shallu Joon

Neuropsycologist, NINS Lab,
NBRC, India

Saurav Roy

R & D Engineer, NINS Lab,
NBRC, India

Kanika Sandal

R & D Engineer I, NINS Lab,
NBRC, India

Ritwick Mishra

Clinical Coordinator, NINS Lab,
NBRC, India

Ritu Lahoti

R & D Engineer, NINS Lab,
NBRC, India



Come and Meet us. We love to meet people who are into BRAIN's as much as we are.

Email ID : pravat[dot]mandal[at]gmail[dot]com

Location : NeuroImaging and NeuroSpectroscopy Lab, National Brain Research Centre, Near NSG Campus, NH-8, Manesar, Gurugram, Haryana–122051, India.

Neuroimaging and Neurospectroscopy Lab, National Brain Research Centre, Manesar, India

Created and Developed by Saurav Roy, Research and Development Engineer, Neuroimaging and Neurospectroscopy Lab, National Brain Research Centre, India